We are proud to have sponsored two seasons of SHOW US YOUR TRU-TURF – a Global Photography Challenge where we received photographs from around the world. The photographs gave us a glimpse into the greens keeping life of our customers, showing us how they nurture the art of rolling using Tru-Turf rollers. Rolling is a cultural golf course maintenance practice which even predates mowing.
Title Winners : Season 1 – Kevin Thyme from Old Sandwich Golf Club, USA and Season 2 – Rory Mcalpin from Pambula Merimbula Golf Course, Australia. They both received cash prize of USD $10000 and monthly winners received prize packs worth USD $100.
The courses looked beautiful and reflected the hard work at play. As a manufacturing company, we are extremely proud to have a part in the art of greens keeping, uplifting the spirit and quality of golf. The creativity evident in all of the images reflected the genuine love of greenskeepers for the turf and their job, and their love for golf.
Below are the SHOW US YOUR TRU-TURF global photography challenge entries from both 2 seasons. Enjoy! Click images to view as gallery slides.
Thanks to all the participants from the bottom of our hearts.
Tru-Turf team